Reliable photography resources

How many times you were looking for some info on photo gear?
There are more and more websites that sell this kind of equipment, but where to look for good tests and advices?
I want to share list of websites i'm using for cameras/lenses reviews, that are neutral and do not promote one bran over the others.
First of all, its

that is very helpful with their extensive lenses database, you can find a lot of basic informations of many types of lenses (going back to m42) like release date, weight,  filter size and some other technical informations.
Many lenses have extensive test, where chromatic aberration, distortion and resolution and others are measured, that is very useful to compare and choose best lens for you. Also you can see sample photos from different lenses, that give you idea how lens performs in difficult light conditions, for example. Definitely worth checking out and leaving a comment for lenses you are using, that also help other readers. 

A little bit similar to lenstip, but gives you more details about cameras in general than lenses only, where lenses tests are poor, in fact, but you can read in depth review of some cameras, and get general database of almost all cameras available. There is a forum, that allows you to ask other about their  equipment and experience, but its old school and not very user friendly.

Very nice canon website, which gives you in-depth preview in work of some well-known photographers, gives nice tips for beginners and allow you to access really nice inspirational gallery.  Technical informations on their products, and detailed info-bank, that is something that you normally would find scattered all over the internet, here nicely gathered in to one place, nicely arranged.  Website itself it's simple in design, but i was surprised how much useful information can be found there. And there are video interviews and master-classes with other pros, that is real joy to watch. Must check it yourself.