
Photography in it's finest form. There is need for it. Everything and almost everyone is capable of taking photos now, with they mobile, watch or music player. Photography as we knew it is gone, or at least its my impression, but i know there are people who know how to use camera as they were part of it, think-react way. They know the light. They know how to use it, how to control it. There is a light, there is photography. Its getting harder to distinguish if photographs were taken by professional, or by advanced everythingsuperinteligentauto compact camera, as they're getting smarter, better, faster whit all these auto goodies. But there is distinctive line that divide these two.
Aspiring shooter and professional photographer.
I will try to maintain  high standard in this falling photo community, with appropriate equipment and knowledge i will try to develop outstanding images with unique feel, and its own magic. Because thats true spirit of photography, if your photographs draw someone's attention by being different with that professional feel, in huge ocean of photos on the net.
Being professional doesn't mean just capturing, it means capturing it in beautiful way, whatever the subject.

Quality is everything.