Photography vs Crapography

What irritates me these days that people think if they have good equipment they are good photographers.
You can see "professional" photographers popping out like never before. Are they professional because they spend thousands on their equipment? It obvious that expensive camera will deliver far better results than mobile phone, but then you need to know how to use it properly.
Im not negating that they want to be photographers, if they are talented and aspiring, everyone must start somewhere, but after using digital compact for some time (and getting "good" shoots and comments from friend they photos are great) if someone will get an professional camera it doesn't mean he will get its title with it! Its very sad but its also very true that you can see "pros" with the pro only in title, not in results.
I think that so many people doing that now that we will get use to it, and that will become some kind of standard.

I used to do some assignment work with other photographers, and i know that standards are going down.
But as long we cant change them, we can keep our own standard, and that, hopefully, will distinguish us.

Good shoot could be shown in % as follows:
25% Situation
25% Equipment
25% Skills
24% Post processing
1% Luck

As we are in digital are now post processing in important, even if you think that well skilled photographer don't need to retouch his work, think again.
Photographs were processed since photography have been invented. But now its digital, and gives some more advantages.

If you are real professional, show it and stop that grow on pseudo-professionals that will eventually fill up the market, where we struggle enough already.
Don't say you are professional. Be professional.